
The Pan-Armenian Council strongly condemns

The Pan-Armenian Council of the Western United States strongly condemns the latest war launched by Azerbaijan against the free and independent states of the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh). We further condemn the ongoing shameless support of the authoritarian Azerbaijan’s aggression by the Armenophobic and genocidal Government of Turkey. While Armenia and Artsakh relentlessly work toward peace and dialogue, Azerbaijan rolls the drums of war. As always, the Armenian-American community stands united in its unequivocal support of the people and governments of Armenia and Artsakh. This support is complete and unconditional, as the dual Armenian states defend themselves against the existential threat consistently posed by their bellicose neighbors.

We salute the brave soldiers of the Armenian Armed Forces, as well as the Defense Army of Artsakh who continue to preserve the territorial integrity and safety of their respective states and civilian populations. We also call on the international community, including and specifically our friends in the US Congress, as well as the President of the United States and the US Department of State, to condemn the latest attacks by Azerbaijan, and to reinstate Section 907 of the United States Freedom Support Act, banning all direct US assistance to Azerbaijan.

We continue to adhere to the motto of “One Nation, One Cause”, as we understand that our nation collectively shares One Future. We will continue to monitor the situation, as we mobilize and deploy all of the resources of our community, to assist the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Artsakh. We call upon all our community to assist the humanitarian needs created by the war, by donating generously to ArmeniaFund.org/Donate. Also, we urge everyone to take part in the community-wide protest to be held on Wednesday, September 30th at 6:00 PM in front of the Consulate of Azerbaijan.PAN ARMENIAN COUNCIL OF THE WESTERN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Armenian Assembly of AmericaArmenian Bar

AssociationArmenian Catholic Eparchy of Our Lady of Nareg of North AmericaArmenian Democratic Liberal Party, Western DistrictArmenian General Benevolent Union, Western DistrictArmenian Evangelical Union of North AmericaArmenian Missionary Association of AmericaArmenian National Committee of America, Western RegionArmenian Relief Society of Western USAArmenian Revolutionary Federation of Western USAArmenian Society of Los AngelesArmenian Youth Association of CaliforniaArmenian Youth Federation of Western USAHamazkayin Armenian Educational and Cultural Society of the Western USAHomenetmen Western USAIraqi Armenian Family Association of Los AngelesKessab Educational AssociationOrganization of Istanbul ArmeniansService Employees International Union Local 721 – Armenian CaucusSouthern California Armenian DemocratsTekeyan Cultural AssociationUnified Young ArmeniansWestern Diocese of the Armenian Church of North AmericaWestern Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America


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